Who am I?
Hi there, my name’s Patrick Campanale. First and foremost, I’m a Christian, husband, and woodworker, in that order. Christ is King of my life and I have been a youth pastor at our local church since November 2021, loving every second of it! My wife and I got married in September of 2019 and have lived in Middle Tennessee ever since, enjoying every moment of this journey called life together. And then there’s woodworking, a passion I didn’t discover until I was in my early 20s but have really enjoyed the journey of discovering my favorite techniques, meeting other makers, and creating items that bring massive smiles to customer’s faces whenever they open the package.

Who's my God?
I’m a Christian who believes in the One True God. I use the King James Bible and have attended nearly three years of seminary school with an emphasis on pastoral studies. I am heavily involved in my local church, leading singing on Wednesday nights and am also the youth pastor. I believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth, died for my sin (and yours,) was crucified on a cross, was buried for three days, and at the end, He rose again! If you have any questions about me, my faith, or God, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Instagram or through the contact page of this website.

Why Created Workshop?
Honestly, I went through many name ideas. My wife and I worked together to come up what we would want to call my woodworking business. Well, one morning I woke up and felt like God gave me a fantastic name for the business: Created Workshop. Where’d this come from? Well, I’m God’s creation that comes up with my own wooden creations. Ephesians 2:10 says “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus..." Jesus Himself created us, and now I'm taking what He's given me and using that talent to make beautiful works from God's creation, the earth.
Also, a mission of Created Workshop is to spread the Gospel. In every package we send out, we include a little red Bible that has verses of salvation, assurance, and help. It doesn't matter whether you're a repeat customer or first-time buyer, you'll receive one of these little Bibles. So far, we have shipped a package to every corner of the country, from Miami to Seattle, New York, and Beverly Hills. We've even had customers in Hawaii! That means the Gospel is being spread throughout the world with our packages, and it's our hope and prayer that those little red Bibles are able to make a difference in someone's life. If just one life is changed for the Lord, then that'll be worth all the effort.

Only the best materials
We do our best to use locally-sourced materials whenever we can. In fact, we pride ourselves on working with local lumber yards to ensure that we only offer the best quality possible when it comes to our products.
All of our lumber is hand-picked by Patrick and Marlene at the lumber yard where it’s already been kiln-dried to ensure it’s ready for working with. Then, we bring it back to our small shop in the heart of Tennessee where we let it acclimate for a few days at least, but typically weeks or months, before beginning on a project with it. Then, all the rest of the work is done by us from initial milling to finish.